Wednesday, October 23, 2013


What we have here is a rat hidden in this bush. Because it was dark, and Max strikes like lightning, I wasn't able to snap a picture quick enough to get the rat in the frame. You can see Max pouncing in all three pictures. I could heal the rat squeaking in terror. I couldn't bring myself to stop Max because I don't want rats in my house and I didn't realize what a rat problem we really had in the neighborhood until he started murdering them all over my lawn. 

Monday, October 21, 2013


We had pizza for dinner. My kid asked for seconds.

I cut a slice of Little Caesar's pepperoni deep dish pizza in half and gave one half to my kid.

While the other half was unattended, MAXWELL jumped up onto the table and helped himself to it.

My kid was not happy and started chasing Max around, reprimanding him and trying to get it back from him. All the commotion got Copper's attention. What I ended up with was a whirling dervish of human, dog, cat and pizza.

Copper won and swallowed it in what appeared to be one gulp.

This is the only picture I managed to take before the evidence was consumed.